Over 300 NCTC Students Helped Through Emergency Aid Grant

The Texas Emergency Aid Roadmap Grant, funded by the Greater Texas Foundation, is coming to a close while North Central Texas College couldn’t be prouder of the impact the program made on NCTC student’s lives. North Central Texas College and nine other community colleges across the state were awarded this grant to help develop efficient, equitable, and sustainable emergency aid programs to ensure students receive the support they need to persist through financial crises.

As a result of the grant, over 300 total NCTC students received over $120,000 in total emergency aid over the grant period from 2021 to 2024. The emergency aid funds provided by the Greater Texas Foundation lifted the burden of life’s unpredictable financial troubles while allowing students to focus their attention on school and not their financial hardships. Without the Greater Texas Foundation Emergency Aid funds, many students at NCTC would have had to face their financial emergencies alone. The Greater Texas Foundation directly impacted and, in many cases, likely changed the lives of NCTC students who were faced with financial troubles. North Central Texas College is grateful to the Greater Texas Foundation for the Texas Emergency Aid Roadmap and the support it provided our NCTC students.


Notice of Public Hearing for NCTC Tax Rate


NCTC Champions Circle Grand Opening