Tutoring & Student Success
Tutoring is available at most NCTC campuses and online through the Mathematics Lab, the Writing Center, & select Study Groups. Hours vary by campus and from semester to semester. Please choose the area of interest to view a complete tutoring schedule by campus.
24/7 Tutoring is also available online through Upswing.
Student Success Center
“The Eddie C. Hadlock Center for Student Success brings students together to collaborate with NCTC faculty and staff, as well as with each other in support of transitioning to college life. We are here to offer you the academic support you need to stay in college and not drop your classes!”
“The focus is on becoming academically successful, socially integrated into the college environment, and career or transfer ready. Your success and perseverance are our goal!”
“We care about you and thank you for choosing North Central Texas College,”
— Sincerely, Mary Martinson, Dean of Instruction & Student Success
More Skills. More Success.
Student Lingo is an online resource with study skill workshops, provided for all NCTC students. Success seminars are provided on the following topics like Academic and Career Exploration, Reading and Writing Strategies, Learning to Learn, Personal Management, Tips for Online Learning, General Success Strategies
Contact us.
Please reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns.
Main Number: (940) 668-4209
Mary Martinson
Dean of Student Success
(940) 668-4209
Cheryl Capuchina
Coordinator of Student Success
(940) 498-6412
Joshua McHargue
Learning Resource Specialist
(940) 498-6412
Penny Cogbill
Administrative Assistant
(940) 668-4209