Disability Services
The Office for Students with Disabilities
The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) provides accommodations for students with disabilities. OSD counselors and advisors also provide strategies for academic success; individual, career, and academic counseling services as well as referrals to campus and community services and assistance with admission and registration.
It is not necessary that a student with a disability disclose their disability to college officials if they are not requesting any accommodations.
OSD is federally funded through the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Federal Grant.
NCTC is committed to making its degree and certificate programs accessible to all qualified persons in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and The Rehabilitation Act (1973), Section 504.
Student Resources
You are eligible for disability support services if you have the following.
a physical, mental, or psychological impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities
documentation of such an impairment
registered for services with the OSD
Students with a disability who require academic accommodations or assistance should contact OSD for an appointment as soon as possible. In this appointment, you will discuss documentation requirements, reasonable accommodations, and procedures for notifying instructors. All services are voluntary and must be requested by the student. Services provided are based on the individual need of each student and may include assistance with:
Academic advising, counseling, and support
Adaptive technology (computer hardware, and software)
Audio or e-text (if eligible)
Career counseling
Classroom interpreters for the deaf
Electronic Books (when available)
Note takers, scribes, or readers
Physical Accessibility
Printed material in Braille
Large print
Testing accommodations in testing center
Assistance in obtaining additional services or help through other resources
To schedule an appointment on any NCTC campus, please call the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) office. Appointments can be made at any campus.
Request Services
Accommodations require advance preparation.
If you’re a new student, please make your request before the semester begins. If you’re currently a student, contact OSD at the beginning of each semester well in advance of registration.
Documentation is required before any accommodations can be provided. Depending on your diagnosis, this documentation should come from a medical doctor, psychologist or other licensed or properly credentialed professional.
Need help? Have questions?
You’re not alone. Check our Students’ FAQ for answers to your questions.
Corinth & Flower Mound Campuses
Room 160 | (940) 498-6224
Wayne Smith
OSD Director
(940) 498-6207
Fax (940) 498-6404
Ethan Gaston
Admin Assistant
Gainesville, Bowie & Graham Campuses
Room 127 | (940) 668-3300
Yvonne Sandmann
OSD Advisor
(940) 668-3300
Fax (940) 668-3326
Mary Martinson
Dean of Instruction & Student Success
(940) 668-4209