TRIO Talent Search
The Talent Search program identifies and assists individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds who have the potential to succeed in higher education. The goal of Talent Search is to increase the number of youth from disadvantaged backgrounds who complete high school and enroll in and complete their postsecondary education.
Target Schools
Lewisville HS (Killough)
Lewisville HS (Harmon)
Lewisville HS (Main)
DeLay MS
Durham MS
Hedrick MS
Huffines MS
Secondary School Persistence
96% of non-senior participants served each project year will complete the current academic year and continue in school for the next academic year, at the next grade level.
Secondary School Graduation
70% of seniors served during the project year will graduate during he project year with a regular secondary school diploma within the standard number of years.
26% of seniors serviced during the project year will complete a rigorous secondary school program of study and will graduate during the project year with a regular secondary school diploma within the standard number of years
Postsecondary Education Enrollment
52% of participants, who have graduated with a regular secondary school diploma, during the project year, will enroll in an institution of higher education by the fall semester immediately following high school graduation or will have received notification, by the fall semester immediately following high school, from an institution of higher education, of acceptance but deferred enrollment until the next academic semester (e.g. spring semester).
Postsecondary Degree Attainment
49% of participants served during the project year, who enrolled in an institution of higher education, by the fall semester immediately following high school graduation or by the next academic semester (e.g. spring semester) as a result of acceptance but deferred enrollment will complete a program of postsecondary education within six years.
Academic, financial, career, or personal counseling including advice on entry or re-entry to secondary or postsecondary programs
Career Exploration and Aptitude Assessment
Tutorial Services
Information on Postsecondary Education
Exposure to College Campuses
Information on Student Financial Assistance
Assistance in Completing College Admissions & Financial Aid Applications
Assistance in Preparing for College Entrance Exams
Mentoring Programs
Special STEM Activities for Seventh and Eighth graders
Workshops for the Families of Participants
Apply today!
Contact us
Ethan Gaston
Administrative Assistant
(940) 498-6224
Lareshawn Gore
Student Services Advisor– TRIO TS
(940) 498-6486
Stephanie Reid
Student Services Advisor– TRIO TS
(940) 498-6486