Courtney Jaimes
Email: cjaimes@nctc.edu
Call: (940) 498-6203
“As a parent myself, I empathize with the struggles and celebrate the joys of other parents. I recognize that single parents especially may face certain stressors and I hope to be a source of support!”

Beth Wright
Email: bwright@nctc.edu
Call: (972) 899-8348
“It takes a village - this is especially true when raising a child and earning a degree. Having accomplished this myself, I understand the value of a support system and encouragement. Parenting looks different for everyone. So does your academic journey. Pairing the two becomes a balancing act physically, mentally and emotionally. The more opportunities a parent has to feel supported the better their success will be.”

Cheryl Capuchina
Email: ccapuchina@nctc.edu
Call: (940) 498-6412
“As a single mom, I raised my kids while working and attending school. I know how stressful and hard it can be. I just want you to know that you are not alone. As someone who has once been where you are now, I will be here to listen, guide, and support you in any way that I possibly can. You CAN do this!”

Sara Kluth
Email: smkluth@nctc.edu
Call: (972) 899-8408
“Being a student with children is challenging! As parents we tend to put everything else ahead of our own needs and when it comes to balancing our family life, work-life, and school-life it can feel like we are spinning plates in the air. I want to be a source of support so that you know you are not alone in this journey. ”

Jennifer Doran
Email: jdoran@nctc.edu
Call: (940) 498-6424
“Students who are also parents face unique challenges and may feel torn between work, school and family life. As a former student / parent, I experienced some of those struggles. Now I am excited to help others who are juggling these very important responsibilities and working to achieve better lives for their families.”

Samantha Tipton
Email: stipton@nctc.edu
Call: (940) 668-7731 ext. 4010
“I know firsthand how challenging it is to be a parent while also going to school. I am here to support you and provide resources to help you achieve your goals. It is extremely valuable to have someone who understands your situation and can offer support and guidance when things feel overwhelming. I will be here to cheer you on until the finish line!”
Affinity Group Advocates
Adult Learners
Email: cgottardi@nctc.edu
Call: (940) 498-6282, ext. 6420
“I have great respect for those who have already navigated life, careers and family. They enter college with more wisdom, knowledge and drive than most. The life experience and knowledge they bring helps enrich the learning process for not only their fellow students but for the entire NCTC team. It’s not easy to start school again after a long break, but education has no age limit.”
Email: ssolomon@nctc.edu
Call: (940) 498-6459
“As a career coach and a career changer myself, I have a natural connection with Adult Learners. I can provide insight and resources to help guide you towards success in your individual journey towards improving, expanding, or changing your career. I admire individuals who have the courage to take action to get to where they want to be, and I look forward to partnering with you as you strive to meet your goals.”
Email: smkluth@nctc.edu
Call: (972) 899-8408
“As a fellow adult learner, I hope I can provide encouragement, insight, and resources as you are working towards your educational goals. Juggling multiple roles and dealing with new technology are challenging, but not insurmountable. Adult learners bring a lot to the table with career and life experiences. I look forward to supporting you in your journey!”
Email: gcox@nctc.edu
Call: (940) 498-6450
“Over the last two decades, my teaching and advising experience has allowed me to develop a broad familiarity with students' differing educational and experiential backgrounds. More than that, however, I was an adult learner myself. Adult learners often juggle work, family, and other responsibilities, in addition to coursework. I appreciate the courage and sacrifice it sometimes takes for those who choose to return to school later in life. I look forward to helping you navigate these and other challenges on your path to success.”
Email: bbjohnson@nctc.edu
Phone: (972) 899-8409
“I admire adult learners because they often balance personal and professional responsibilities while pursuing their education. As a higher education professional, I look forward to helping adult learners be successful in their studies while also gaining wisdom and insight from them since I myself am an adult learner.“
Black Student Union
Email: fhaskins@nctc.edu
Call: (972) 899-8400, ext. 8506
“As an African American male, I know firsthand the struggles young African American male have trying to navigate higher education. I want to be an advocate, a resource and a mentor to these students. I want to personally help these students through completion of college. This is needed because statistics show that African American males everywhere are struggling to complete their degree and excel in higher education. Let’s work together to prove that these statistics don't know anything about you.”
Email: afleeks@nctc.edu
Call: (940) 668-7731 ext. 4955
“I personally wanted to take on the Affinity Group for African American women because that is who I am. I know what it is to live in poverty. I know what it is to have to find my own way, because I am the first in my family to go to college, graduate, and pursue graduate school. I know what is to not have anyone who looks like you, try to help you and fail because they don't understand you or your journey. I am grateful for this opportunity to impart, advise, and lead more African American women on their purposeful journey. It is important that the youth in our community can physically see people like themselves contributing to society, and just maybe their footsteps will reach higher ground than mine ever could.”
Email: damitchell@nctc.edu
Call: (972) 899-8417
“As a Black woman, I can personally relate to being a minority in a college setting. I can remember many times being the only person of color in my college classes and feeling like I did not belong. Luckily, I had people in my corner that helped me and reminded me that I could do it! I hope to be able to pay it forward and make a positive impact on students that had similar experiences to me.”
Food & Housing Insecurity
Email: kfuxan@nctc.edu
Phone: (972) 899-8358
“Challenging circumstances can feel overwhelming, but there are support services and groups at NCTC ready to help. Many things, including food insecurity, can have an impact on the success of our students. I am thankful to be part of a team that works to alleviate the stress that these kinds of insecurity can have on our students.”
Email: bcurtis@nctc.edu
Call: (940) 498-6422
“My story is too long for this quote, but even though I don’t know your exact circumstances, I know what homelessness, extreme living conditions, and sustained poverty feels like. But that isn’t you; it’s just your circumstances. The one possession that can never be taken from you is hope, but if you do happen to misplace it, I’ll be happy to do my best to help you find it once again.”
Email: jburrows@nctc.edu
Call: (972) 899-8347
“I am honored to work with students who are in need of basic life necessities. As I’ve worked with students, I witness how having food and housing impacts a student’s academic success. Students thrive when basic needs are met and flourish when they recognize the care from staff and faculty. I am thankful to be a part of cultivating a culture that simply cares for the needs of students and recognizes that students need resources to be successful.”
Email: dgarcia@nctc.edu
Call: (940) 668-7731
“We would like to meet you! E-mail is the best way to contact me or on the app! Let’s chat! Si quieres, podemos hablar en español. (Sé lo suficiente para poder hablar contigo.)”
Pride Alliance Group
Campus/County: Corinth/Denton County
Affinity Group Advocate: Students with Children, LGBTQ+
Text: (940) 202-8295
Email: bwright@nctc.edu
Phone: (940) 498-6457
Sign in: Virtual Line
Email: khawkins@nctc.edu
Phone: (940) 498-6453
“My desire has always been for anyone that I encounter to feel comfortable and safe in the space they are in. My hope is that I am able to provide exactly that for each student that I encounter.”
Email: acreswell@nctc.edu
Call: (940) 668–3318
“It took me 18 years to be comfortable with my identity as a gay man, and another 5 years to be comfortable enough to come out to the world around me. The thing that made my openness possible were my own mentors and support systems that showed me it’s okay to be who you are to the highest degree. I hope to be that example for those around me now, and offer a space to exist without judgement and an ear to listen to whatever is needed!”
Email: dhooper@nctc.edu
Phone: (940)498-6266
“Every person has the right to feel happy, secure and equal within society. I have very dear family and friends who identify with this group who I have seen struggle as they adjust to openly identifying as LGBT+. I am here to support and advocate as needed.”
Students with Children
Email: cjaimes@nctc.edu
Call: (940) 498-6203
“As a parent myself, I empathize with the struggles and celebrate the joys of other parents. I recognize that single parents especially may face certain stressors and I hope to be a source of support!”
Email: bwright@nctc.edu
Call: (972) 899-8348
“It takes a village - this is especially true when raising a child and earning a degree. Having accomplished this myself, I understand the value of a support system and encouragement. Parenting looks different for everyone. So does your academic journey. Pairing the two becomes a balancing act physically, mentally and emotionally. The more opportunities a parent has to feel supported the better their success will be.”
Email: ccapuchina@nctc.edu
Call: (940) 498-6412
“As a single mom, I raised my kids while working and attending school. I know how stressful and hard it can be. I just want you to know that you are not alone. As someone who has once been where you are now, I will be here to listen, guide, and support you in any way that I possibly can. You CAN do this!”
Email: smkluth@nctc.edu
Call: (972) 899-8408
“Being a student with children is challenging! As parents we tend to put everything else ahead of our own needs and when it comes to balancing our family life, work-life, and school-life it can feel like we are spinning plates in the air. I want to be a source of support so that you know you are not alone in this journey. ”
Email: jdoran@nctc.edu
Call: (940) 498-6424
“Students who are also parents face unique challenges and may feel torn between work, school and family life. As a former student / parent, I experienced some of those struggles. Now I am excited to help others who are juggling these very important responsibilities and working to achieve better lives for their families.”
Email: stipton@nctc.edu
Call: (940) 668-7731 ext. 4010
“I know firsthand how challenging it is to be a parent while also going to school. I am here to support you and provide resources to help you achieve your goals. It is extremely valuable to have someone who understands your situation and can offer support and guidance when things feel overwhelming. I will be here to cheer you on until the finish line!”
Rural Communities
Email: amanderson@nctc.edu
Call: (940) 498-6282, ext. 6525
“I grew up in a rural area and continue to teach dual credit students at rural campuses. I’m well aware of the challenges students face due to location and I’m happy to help in any way I can.”
Email: cbewley@nctc.edu
Call: (940) 521-0720, ext. 7102
“Rural students have a unique set of challenges to overcome. Being a 5th generation Graham-ite who is small town and rural to the core, I understand those challenges. I look forward to helping our students make this area a positive, productive, and promising place for generations to come.”
Email: ddrattlo@nctc.edu
Call: (940) 872-4002 ext.5227
“I chose to be a part of the Rural Student Affinity Group, because I believe our rural students need as many resources offered to them as possible. More often than not these students do not have the resources available to them that urban students have. I grew up in Bowie, so I know the challenges students face when it comes to having resources readily available. I hope I can help with creating a group that can network with other entities to help provide more opportunities for rural students.”
Veterans & Military
Email: mscott@nctc.edu
Call: (940) 498-6289
“I enjoy working with vets because they know how to be an individual on a huge team. That ability has always been a unique attribute of the vet.”
Email: jburrows@nctc.edu
Call: (972) 899-8347
“I am so thankful for US Veterans and service men and women who defend our freedom daily. I enjoy the opportunity to help those get connected with resources to help them be successful with their academic goals. Sometimes navigating the system to utilize resources can be difficult. When I have the chance to share information and guide students, I feel as though I have helped them on their academic journey and it's a way for me to give back to them.”
Email: afleeks@nctc.edu
Call: (940) 668-7731 ext. 4955
“I served as a School Certifying Official (SCO) for veterans for 5 years. Although I am no longer in that position, I learned a plethora of information that I think all VA student’s should know. I am very grateful and humbled by their sacrifice and bravery; it is an honor to serve such an amazing group of people!”
Email: joconnor@nctc.edu
Call: (940) 498-6258
“I am a nine year Army veteran. I served in the Infantry at 10th Mt Division in New York, and the 75th Reserve here in D/FW. I understand the transition from a military way of life to a civilian one - especially a college civilian world - is often not easy. I want to be available if you need help acclimating to an academic mindset - it's not as daunting as you think!”
Women & Minorities in STEM
Email: fhaskins@nctc.edu
Call: (972) 899-8400, ext. 8506
“Women and minorities have been treated in the USA as second-class citizens. The effects of this treatment have caused a deficit in positions of leadership in many different industries. This is why I am an advocate of women and minorities in STEM majors. My goal is to encourage these demographics to pursue their dream in STEM fields to help build leaders for a better America.”
Email: jwilli@nctc.edu
Call: (940) 498-6232
“Women and minorities have long been underrepresented in STEM areas. However, more and more are becoming trailblazers in their fields, overcoming cultural and/or societal barriers and opening up new possibilities for women and minorities everywhere. It isn’t easy to get into a field dominated by people who are different from you, but setting goals, getting priorities in order and working hard will make anything possible.
My mission is to encourage all students to follow their passion, whatever that may be. Don’t be afraid to try. It will take hard work and sacrifice, but it will be worth it! ”
Email: sherrysmith@nctc.edu
Call: (940) 668-7731, ext. 4350
“As a woman who sought a graduate level degree in Biochemistry, I understand the struggles women and minorities face in STEM. My goal as a mentor is to encourage and empower women and minority students seeking degrees in STEM and walk alongside them in their journey.”