Faculty & Staff Resources
The NCTC Completion and Career Services Center is happy to offer services to support instructors in the classroom and online.
Use the form below to request a class presentation or workshop. Please submit a request at least 5 business days prior for a classroom presentation or 15 business days prior for a hands-on workshop. If there are other ways our team can assist you, please reach out to us at careerservices@nctc.edu.
Classroom Presentations
Do you feel your class could benefit from information on Navigating Your Career, Effective Resume Writing, or another career-related topic? Then invite the Career Services Center staff into your classroom for a presentation on one of these or other related topics:
Career Services Overview
Career Exploration and Deciding on a Major
Job & Internship Search and Networking
Resume Basics
Advanced Resume Development
Interview Skills and Preparation
Classroom Hands-On Workshops
Career Assessment Proctoring
Take your class on a deep-dive into career exploration to learn about what career options might be a good fit for them. For these workshops, we typically utilize CareerCruising, MyNextMove, or YouScience.
Building a Basic Resume
Students will leave the class with a near-complete resume.
Mock Interviews
Students will get to experience and practice interviewing in a simulation of an actual job interview.
Presentation Request Form | Career Services
Please submit a form for each class presentation request (multiple days should have multiple form submissions). Please submit a request at least 5 business days prior for a classroom presentation or 15 business days prior for a hands-on workshop. If there are other ways our team can assist you, please reach out to us at careerservices@nctc.edu.
The NCTC Career Services Center has a Canvas group just for faculty and staff! This group has numerous resources available that you can download, print, or copy over to another Canvas course.
Below are some examples, but please reach out if you are looking for something specific.
Resume and Cover Letter Templates and Examples
Practice Interview Questions
“Dress for Success” flyer
Career Assessments (interest, skills, and strengths assessments)
Career Development and Professional Skills Videos
If you are a current NCTC faculty or staff member and would like to be added to this group, please email your request to careerservices@nctc.edu.
Have your class create professional and polished resumes with ease using SkillsFirst Resume Builder. SkillsFirst utilizes the latest technology to help you design and edit a resume that will stand out in the competitive job market.
Current students, faculty, and staff can access this platform through OneLogin.
Want Career Services to conduct a resume workshop for your class? Let us know using the form above!
Help your students build the skills and confidence they need for successful interviews! Big Interview is a cutting-edge platform that offers students a space to rehearse and refine interview answers utilizing a combination of instant AI feedback and comments from their career coach or instructor. Instructors can also create custom assignments and question sets that are tailored to their industry or classes!
Current students, faculty, and staff can access this platform through OneLogin.
The contents of this platform were funded under a grant from the Department of Education. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. North Central Texas College Award #P031S230237 Title V Developing Hispanic Serving Institutions 2023-2028 Grant
Check out our videos on the NCTC Career Services YouTube Channel for career development and employment preparation information and training. Videos can be embedded directly in canvas.
Skills 2 Succeed Academy uses Simulation-based training to help students develop employability skills.
Give it try or share with your class using Access Code: 04NCns
Looking for something specific? Reach out to us at careerservices@nctc.edu for more career development resources like career assessments, strengths inventories, occupational information, and more!