Career Services
Our Career Coaches are here to support you through the process of deciding on a career path or major, developing a resume, practicing interview skills, or seeking a new job or internship! The resources that we offer provide accessible information that will assist you in developing your professional skills and preparing you for successful employment. Our services and resources are available to all NCTC Students and Alumni.
How career services Can Help
Exploring Majors and Careers
Our coaches utilize career assessments to help you discover your interests, skills, personality traits, and values to learn how they align with certain career options.
Employment Preparedness
Meet with a career coach to create a professional, stand-out resume, practice for interviews, develop professional employability skills, and learn strategies to help you in your job search.
Networking Events
We host Job Fairs, Employer Recruitment Tables, and Networking Events to help connect students with quality employment opportunities.
Career Exploration
Job Search Strategies
Job Connections
Resume Building
Networking Events
Interview Skills
Professional Skills
Services are free to Current Students, Alumni, and Enrolling Students
CareerLion by Handshake is the #1 online job search and networking platform for college students!
Why use Handshake for your job search?
Employers use Handshake to recruit students and alumni and specifically request to connect with NCTC
All employers are screened and monitored to prevent scams
It’s exclusive for students and alumni, so there are fewer applicants to compete against through this platform
It provides personalized job recommendations for you
Activate student account through OneLogin.
Follow the link to create a new account.
Create a FREE employer account to post jobs with us! Click here for more employer information.
Aspire To Be Hired is focused on developing students' employability and marketable skills to enter the job market and succeed in their careers.
Career & Academic Pathways Resources
First Year Experience
First Year Experience Course (NCTC 1001) is a required non-credit, 4-week course designed to provide you with the tools needed to persist and succeed at NCTC.
Student Resources
If you’re an NCTC student wanting to get the most out of the college experience, check out our Student Resources!
the National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS) NSLS is the nation's largest leadership honor society. Join the NCTC Chapter of the NSLS sponsored by The Career & Academic Pathways Department.
Pathways to Completion
The Title V-DHSI Pathways to Completion grant is a federally funded program aimed at strengthening institutions that serve a significant population of Hispanic students.
More Resources
Meet your Success Coach
Our Success Coaches are here to help you make decisions that will best align with your interests and future goals. Contact us today to get started on your degree as soon as next semester.
Access all of the resources that our libraries and research databases have to offer for students.
Tutoring is available at most NCTC campuses and online through the Mathematics Lab, the Writing Center, & select Study Groups.
The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) provides accommodations for students with disabilities.
Contact Us
Want to know more? Call, text, or email us.
Text: (940) 290-6442
Email: careerservices@nctc.edu
Or fill in the form on the right to get a response from Career Services staff.
We respond to all messages (including texts) during regular business hours.