CULINARY & Hospitality

Jake Laughlin Jake Laughlin


A study of the fundamental principles of food preparation and cookery to include Brigade System, cooking techniques, material handling, heat transfer, sanitation, safety, nutrition, and professionalism. Lab fees apply

A study of the fundamental principles of food preparation and cookery to include Brigade System, cooking techniques, material handling, heat transfer, sanitation, safety, nutrition, and professionalism. Lab fees apply

Upon successful completion, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate skills in knife tool and equipment handling

  • Operate equipment safely and correctly

  • Demonstrate proficiency in dry and moist heat cooking methods

  • Produce a variety of food products applying principles of food handling and preparation

  • Implement professional standards in food production

Grade Basis: L

Credit hours: 3.0

Lecture hours: 32.0

Lab hours: 48.0

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Jake Laughlin Jake Laughlin


It all begins with an idea.

A study of personal cleanliness, sanitary practices in food preparation, causes, investigation, control of illness caused by food contamination (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points), and work place safety standards.

Upon successful completion, students will be able to:

  • Identify causes of and prevention procedures for food-borne illness, intoxication, and infection

  • Discuss personal hygiene and safe food handling procedures

  • Describe food storage and refrigeration techniques

  • Explain sanitation of dishes, equipment, and kitchens including cleaning material, garbage, and refuse disposal

  • Discuss Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements and workplace safety programs

Grade Basis: L

Credit hours: 3.0

Lecture hours: 48.0

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Elizabeth Abu Elizabeth Abu


A study of the composition of food and the chemical and biological changes that occur in storage and processing. Includes preparation techniques and selection principles.

A study of the composition of food and the chemical and biological changes that occur in storage and processing. Includes preparation techniques and selection principles. Lab fees apply

Upon successful completion, students will be able to:

  • Explain esthetic values applied to food preparation, acid/base characteristics, use of heat in cookery, protein properties, composition of milk, egg, cheese, meat and fish, and properties of starch foods

  • Describe what makes a solution

  • Define carbohydrates, lipids, objective food analysis

  • List standards of fruit/vegetable selection

  • Demonstrate approved measuring techniques, microwave cookery, and cooking principles for cereal, pasta, starch, plant protein, fruit, vegetables, cheese, poultry, fish, meat and sauces

  • Explain and demonstrate principles of various dough products, quick and yeast breads, and cooking with fat

Grade Basis: L

Credit hours: 3.0

Lecture hours: 32.0

Lab hours: 32.0

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Elizabeth Abu Elizabeth Abu


An exploration of the elements and career opportunities within the multiple segments of the hospitality industry. 

An exploration of the elements and career opportunities within the multiple segments of the hospitality industry. 

Upon successful completion, students will be able to:

  • Identify the segments and career opportunities in the hospitality industry

  • Describe the current issues facing the hospitality industry

  • Explain the impact of the history, growth and trends in the hospitality industry

Grade Basis:

Credit hours: 2.0

Lecture hours: 32.0

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Elizabeth Abu Elizabeth Abu


Fundamentals of baking including dough, quick breads, pies, cakes, cookies, and tarts. Instruction in flours, fillings, and ingredients. Topics include baking terminology, tool and equipment use, formula conversions, functions of ingredients, and the evaluation of baked products.

Lab fees apply

Fundamentals of baking including dough, quick breads, pies, cakes, cookies, and tarts. Instruction in flours, fillings, and ingredients. Topics include baking terminology, tool and equipment use, formula conversions, functions of ingredients, and the evaluation of baked products. Lab fees apply

Upon successful completion, students will be able to:

  • Identify and explain baking terms, ingredients, equipment, and tools

  • Scale and measure ingredients

  • Convert and cost recipes

  • Operate baking equipment and tools

  • Prepare yeast products, quick breads, pies, tarts, cookies, various cakes, and icings 

  • Demonstrate fundamental decorating techniques

  • Produce commercially acceptable baked products

Grade Basis: L

Credit hours: 3.0

Lecture hours: 32.0

Lab hours: 64.0

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