Open Educational Resources
For Students
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the cost of college textbooks rose 88% between 2006 and 2016. This high cost of textbooks leads many students to skip purchasing textbooks for one or more of their courses. Seeking affordable textbook alternatives, such as using high-quality but reasonably low-cost materials, can go a long way in helping reduce financial barriers and helping students succeed in their field.
NCTC is committed to student success by eliminating the barriers that hinder students from reaching their academic and career goals. One barrier for students can be the cost of course textbooks. There are several ways to address the rising costs of course materials, including open educational resources (OER) and low-cost course materials.
OER is defined by the Texas Education Code (section 51.451) as “teaching, learning, or research resources that are in the public domain or that have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use, adaptation, and redistribution by any person. The term may include full course curricula, course materials, modules, textbooks, media, assessments, software, and any other tools, materials, or techniques, whether digital or otherwise used to support access to knowledge.”
No-Cost courses are those in which the instructor relies on open-access resources, instructor-produced, or instructor-curated course materials, shared digitally, online, free of charge, and free of copyright and licensing restrictions.
Low-Cost Course Materials refers to those that are available to students for no more than $60 per course. These include resources that are bought new or rented, either in print or digitally. This includes copyrighted material, materials used under Fair Use, and materials accessed on the open web. Some courses are designated as “low-cost” if the course materials are used in multiple courses in a student’s degree program. Other fees—such as materials fees, tech fees—are not included in the $60 limit for low-cost or OER designation.
Divisions or Programs with Entire OER or No/Low-Cost Options in 2022-2023
The following certificate, divisions, course sequences, and courses rely on course resources that are either open educational texts, no-cost, or low-cost. Plans are underway to promote OER, no-cost, and low-cost certificates, programs, and courses to students.
Drafting (Certificate)
HVAC (Certificate)
Mechatronics (Certificate)
Welding (Certificate)
Course Sequences
First-Year Composition (INRW 0305, INRW 0310, ENGL 1301, ENGL 1302)
Technical Writing (ENGL 2311)
Individual Courses
OER/No-Cost Courses
Accounting: ACNT 2302
Child Development: CDEC 1354, CDEC 1356, CDEC 2166, CDEC 2304, CDEC 2307
Computer Information Systems and Technology
Drama: DRAM 1120, DRAM 1121, DRAM 1351, DRAM 1352, DRAM 2120, DRAM 2121
Education: TECA 1354
English: ENGL 2311
Equine Science: AGEQ 1305, AGEQ 1322, AGEQ 1401, AGEQ 2310, AGEQ 2371, AGEQ 2373, AGEQ 2374, AGEQ 2386
Farm & Ranch Management: AGME 1315, AGMG 2280, AGRI 2321, AGRI 1325, AGAH 1347
First-Year Experience: NCTC 1001
Foreign Language: SPAN 1411, SPAN 1412, SPAN 2311, SPAN 2312, SPAN 2315
Horticulture Management: HALT 1307, HALT 1353, HALT 2307, HALT 2321, HALT 2480
Industrial Mechanics: INMT 2380
Machining Technology: MCHN 1302, MCHN 1338, MCHN 1341, MCHN 2303, MCHN 2380, MCHN 2431, MCHN 2434
Music: MUAP 1176, MUAP 1272, MUAP 1273, MUAP 1274, MUAP 1277, MUAP 1278, MUAP 1279, MUEN 1125, MUEN 1131, MUEN 1138, MUEN 1151, MUEN 1154, MUSI 1182, MUSI 1306 (instructor-specific), MUSI 1311, MUSI 1312
Welding: WLDG 2380
Low-Cost Course Materials
Accounting: ACNT 1305 (Digital Rental)
Arts: ARTS 1301 (Digital Rental), ARTS 1303 (Digital Rental), ARTS 1304 (Digital Rental), ARTS 1311 (Used Across Multiple Sections)
Business Management: BMGT 1344 (Digital Rental), BMGT 2303 (Digital Rental), BMGT 2309 (Digital Rental), BMGT 2311 (Digital Rental), BUSG 2305 (Digital Rental), HRPO 2304 (Digital Rental), MRKG 1311 (Digital Rental), MRKG 2312
Child Development: CDEC 1317 (Used Across Multiple Sections), CDEC 1319 (Digital), CDEC 2322 (Used Across Multiple Sections), CDEC 2341 (Digital Rental), CDEC 2324 (Used Across Multiple Sections)
Computer Information Systems and Technology
Criminal Justice: CJSA 2302 (Digital Rental)
Drafting: DFTG 1305, DFTG 1309, DFTG 1317, DFTG 2300, DFTG 2302 (Digital Rental), DFTG 2306, DFTG 2319 (Digital Rental), DFTG 2328, DFTG 2340
Drama: DRAM 1310 (Digital Rental), DRAM 1330 (Used Across Multiple Sections), DRAM 2366 (Print Rental), DRAM 2331 (Used Across Multiple Sections)
English: INRW 0305, INRW 0310, ENGL 1301, ENGL 1302 (Bundled; Used Across Multiple Courses), ENGL 2351
Equine Science: AGEQ 1315, AGEQ 1319, AGEQ 1350, AGEQ 1371, AGEQ 2339, AGEQ 2401
Farm & Ranch Management: AGMG 2301 (Digital Rental), AGMG 2316 (Digital Rental), AGAH 1353, AGRI 1407
Heating, Refrigeration, and A/C Technology: HART 1301, HART 1307, HART 1341, HART 1356, HART 2301, HART 2334, HART 2341, HART 2342, HART 2345, HART 2349 (Used Across Multiple Courses)
History: HIST 1301 (Used Across Multiple Sections), HIST 1302 (Used Across Multiple Sections), HIST 2301 (Digital Rental)
Horticulture: HORT 1401 (Digital Rental), FMKT 1301 (Digital Rental), HALT 1303, HALT 1372, HALT 1422
Industrial Mechanics: INMT 2345 (Digital Rental)
Math: MATH 2318 (Digital Rental), MATH 2414 (Digital Rental), MATH 2415 (Digital Rental)
Philosophy: PHIL 1301
Teacher Education: TECA 1303 (Digital Rental), TECA 1318 (Digital Rental)
Welding: WLDG 1313, WLDG 1407, WLDG 1427, WLDG 1435, WLDG 2413 (Digital Rental and Used Across Multiple Courses)