Auditions to be held for NCTC Drama Women’s History Month production

NCTC Drama is holding auditions for the Pulitzer Prize finalist and Tony nominated In the Next Room or The Vibrator Play by Sarah Ruhl on January 17 and 18 at 6:30 PM at the Black Box Theater on the Denton NCTC Campus. Needed are 4 female presenting actors and 3 male presenting actors. The part of Dr. Givings has already been cast for this production with NCTC Drama’s guest artist. The persons who audition should be 18 or older.

Set in the 1800s at the dawn of the age of electricity and based on the bizarre way that doctors use to treat “hysterical” women (and some men), the play centers on a doctor and his wife and how his new therapy affects their entire household. The play will be directed by Missy Embrey, NCTC Technical Director and Theater Professor, who had this to say about the Ms. Ruhl’s thought provoking play, “The play deals with issues of power dynamics in female relationships, and the disconnect of a woman’s bodily need and desire with their perceived societal role.  This is a story about women fighting for the control of their body and their desire.”

This is the second year that NCTC Drama is celebrating Women’s History Month by presenting an award-winning play by a noted female playwright. Ms. Embrey had this to add, “Historically medical treatments for hysteria in women generally overlooked the actual underlying issues of depression, anxiety, and other mental and physical disorders. Treatments were increasingly more frightening in a time where women had no true agency over their body or their life. This play dives headfirst into the preliminary treatment and displays the commonplace misdiagnosis of women and their health that is to a lesser degree still prevalent today.”

For more information about the auditions please contact Missy Embrey at


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